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YICBH Event Application Form
Please verify reCaptcha before submitting the form.
Section 1. Contact Information
Email address
Phone number
Section 2. Event Information
Describe the event, including its purpose, demographic, and anticipated attendance.
What is the anticipated frequency of the event?
One time only
Recurring weekly for a period of time
Recurring monthly for a period of time
Recurring several times a year
Who is responsible for event organizing and managing?
A specific shul committee - specify in the event description
A specific shul member - specify in the event description
The shul office
Please try to have an event flyer prepared
4-6 weeks in advance
to allow for adequate notification to the congregation.
Flyers should contain the YICBH logo, contact information, and prominently say "Young Israel Congregation".
If you require help making the flyer please allow at least one extra week of lead time.
Section 3. Budget Information
Estimated event cost (Food / Entertainment / Maintenance / Security)?
Please contact Yakira if you would like help generating an accurate estimate prior to submitting.
What budget category does this fit in?
Revenue Generating (Fundraising event)
Revenue Neutral (Event, Maintenance, & Security costs charged to attendees)
Subsidized Fully (Event, Maintenance, & Security costs charged to sponsors / shul budget)
Subsidized Partially (Event, Maintenance, & Security costs charged to sponsors / shul budget AND attendees)
If subsidized.... (check all that apply)
There are already funds allocated in the annual YICBH budget for this event
I am requesting funds from the YICBH budget for this event
I have potential sponsors already arranged
I need help to find sponsors
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785